How to cancel the 'alive alerts' of amcrest camera?


When you purchase amcrest wireless cameras, you will automatically get email alerts of SMTP server connection. All these alerts notify you that the SMTP server is working correctly after every periodical analysis.


In the event that you are not interested in getting these Health test or alive alerts then follow the below-written steps and cancel the default settings:


      Log in to your amcrest web UI with correct credentials and then follow the setup, network, and SMTP chronology.

      Once you click on the SMTP email tab, it will open a new window where you can uncheck the 'keep-alive' alerts available at the bottom of the window.

      After that, you need to click on the Save button. It will ensure that the changes you made will be saved successfully, and you do not get any for the mail of SMTP connection.


If you follow all the above steps accurately, then you can cancel amcrest alive alerts. For more such information, please contact us directly on our live chat section available for you on Amcrest.


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